We would all like to have long, full eyelashes and so we apply mascara to create the appearance of more volume. Sometimes we even glue false lashes on top of our own. We sit around for hours and have expensive eyelash extensions attached to give our lashes a lift. All these options take time out of our day. I don’t know about you but I love spending my spare time browsing makeup counters and trying on outfits I can’t afford.
Now there is another option that might just give you some extra time to do all the things you love to do. Some people say this solution gives you longer fuller lashes. What they are talking about is a new growing trend of eyelash enhancing serums that you apply directly onto your lashes once or twice a day.
The idea is that these serums will help your lashes grow longer, thicker and stand out a little bit more. Some rave about them and can’t get enough while others experience side effects and go back to lash extensions. I’m going to show you 2 well known lash serum brands, Rodan and Fields Lash boost and Allergan’s Latisse. I’ll compare ingredients, how fast the serums work and whether you are likely to see fuller longer lashes.
I know you want to know which is the better option and if you want to be able to buy a lash serum today, over the counter than Lash Boost is your best option because Latisse requires a prescription. However, check out our buyer guide and comparison of how effective each serum is so you can decide if Latisse is worth the prescription or not.
Latisse vs Lash Boost | A Comparison & Buyers Guide
Latisse is an FDA approved clinical product which was accidentally discovered by some doctors during the use of a medication for the treatment of Glaucoma. They noticed increased eyelash growth in their patients and scientists were able to isolate the compound responsible for the eyelash growth. This compound is called Bimatoprost and it is the active ingredient in Latisse.
Rodan+Fields’ Lash Boost on the other hand is not an FDA approved product and contains a number of active ingredients, including Biotin and Keratin. Lash boost might not be FDA approved but their biotin and keratin ingredients are becoming more and more popular in lash serums.
Comparing Ingredients – Latisse vs Lashboost
So let us have a closer look at the ingredients of these two products.
Latisse contains the active ingredient Bimatoprost ophthalmic solution (o.o3%) along with inactive ingredients:- benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, sodium phosphate, dibasic, citric acid and purified water. A list of ingredients doesn’t mean a lot by itself. So let’s see if any of them are magic ingredients, likely to give our lashes chance to blossom into full bloom.
Let’s look at the one active ingredient Latisse use, see what it will do for our lashes and then compare it with the ingredients used by Lash Boost.
Bimatoprost is a prostaglandin analogue. Sounds all scientific doesn’t it but its become the number one eyelash ingredient. This is a topical eye solution and the only ingredient that’s been proven to have an effect on your lashes. Bimatprost affects your lash growth cycle, increasing the time spent in the Anagen growth phase. This means your lash hairs spend more time growing and less time in the resting phase.
Rodan+Fields’ Lash Boost on the other hand contains :-
Keratin, hydrolyzed Keratin, Biotin, Sodium Hyaluronate, Octapeptide-2, allntoin and copper tripeptide-1.
These are only a small number of the ingredients Lash boost use. There is a really big list so I picked out what I think are the most interesting ingredients.
Keratin & Hydrolyzed Keratin
Keratin is a naturally produced protein found in our skin and hair. The Keratin used in most beauty products is sourced from wool or chicken feathers so, as this study suggests, is most likely less effective than our natural keratin. Keratin helps keep our hair strong and rigid.
After conducting some studies on damaged hairs, it was found that keratin does help hair stay healthy and less likely to be damaged. How this effects your lash hairs is unproven but in my opinion it looks like future research might show it has some benefits.
Biotin is known as Vitamin B7. It’s effects on eyelash growth aren’t fully understood yet. However Biotin continues to be used in hair loss prevention products and lash serums. This is because of it’s reputation as a hair growth vitamin, along with many other olres it plays in supporting your body. How effective it might be in the Lash boost formula is unknown but it must be building up a reputation for a reason, even if it’s effects aren’t fully known.
Latisse Ingredients
- FDA Approved Bimatoprost is the only ingredients proven to help lash growth which gives Latisse a significant advantage over their competitors.
Lash Boost Ingredients
- Keratin shows promising signs in current research on it’s effects on damaged hair but it’s still unproven on eyelash hairs and alongside other ingredients in this formula we don’t know how much of an impact it has.
- Biotin has a reputation as being the hair growth vitamin, it’s unproven but it’s potential effect on hair growth looks promising.
As we can see there is quite a difference in the number of ingredients in each product. There are a lot more ingredients in the Rodan+Fields’ Lash Boost than are used by Latisse. Latisse has the FDA approved ingredient Bimatoprost which essentially means it has been tested for efficacy in clinical trials and is recognised as a therapeutically valid medication.
Lash Boost on the other hand has primarily three active ingredients, Biotin, Keratin and Isopropyl Cloprostenate, which are not recognised by FDA as having medically therapeutic value. This does not mean that they do not work, just that they have not been sealed with the FDA stamp of approval in clinical trials.
Rodan+Fields have done their own research and trials which show that these ingredients do indeed work and lots of happy customers will certainly attest to the fact that they do.
What are the side effects of Lash Boost and Latisse.
All cosmetic products, whether FDA approved or not can have unwanted side-effects and especially when we are dealing with cosmetic treatment for the eyes and surrounding areas. Eyes are very sensitive as we all know from personal experience and we should always take care when using a new cosmetic product, one that is new to us that is.
Latisse of course is only available on prescription and as such your doctor or medical professional will screen you for suitability in its use. Some of the most common side-effects that occur whilst using Latisse are itchiness and/or redness of the eyes, mild irritations that will stop when discontinuing use.
There are some more significant side-effects that can happen, including a darkening of the eyelids and darkening of the irises, these effects, again in most cases will stop when you stop applying the product.
You should also be aware that unequal growth can sometimes occur between each eye, for example your right eyelashes might become bushier and longer than your left eyelashes, or there might be a slight darkening of one eye’s lashes in contrast to the other.
Similarly with Lash Boost, itching/tingling and/or redness of the eyes can also occur, as can a darkening of the lashes, lids and surrounding skin of the eyes. Also rarely, a darkening of the irises themselves. Always thoroughly check the ingredients of any cosmetic product you are using for the first time and with Rodan+Fields’ Lash Boost you will find that it contains almond extract, so nut allergists beware.
With both of these products you also need to be aware that they can cause unwanted hair growth in any area of skin that the product is applied, which certainly seems to suggest that they do indeed work.
Comparison of side effects
Latisse Side effects
- Darkening of eyelids.
- Dry eyes.
- Eye irritation.
- Darkening of the Iris.
Lash Boost side effects
- Itchy eyes.
- Tingling around your eye area.
- Red skin around your eyes.
Ease of use
Latisse comes in a little bottle along with a good supply of individually wrapped sterile applicators, one for each day’s use. The serum is applied with the applicators to the top of the upper eyelids, along the eyelash line.
Lash Boost comes as a compact, mascara-like, all in one tube of serum and applicator. Again you simply apply to the upper eyelids along the eyelash line. Personally I like Rodan+Fields’ self-contained applicator, it just feels less fiddly than having to unwrap the Latisse applicator and dip it in the separate bottle, although many of you may prefer to have the option of a fresh sterile applicator for each use.
How long do they take to work
Latisse takes typically 4-6 weeks for appreciable growth to appear, whereas with Lash Boost you are likely to start seeing results within 2-4 weeks. With both products it is recommended to continue regular use in order to maintain your eyelashes increased growth and thickness.
With Latisse, generally it would seem to have a longer lasting effect than Lash Boost, that is to say, that if you stop applying Latisse, your lashes are more likely to remain longer and fuller for a longer period of time. When you stop using Lash Boost your eyelashes are likely to return to their former selves quite quickly.
Lashboost vs Latisse Buyers Guide comparison criteria
When comparing Latisse and Lashboost it’s a great idea to think about the ingredients, how long they take to work and consider any side effects.
Final Thoughts about lash boost and latisse
If you are finding that mascara is not working for you and you do not want the fiddliness and faff of artificial eyelashes, or the considerable expense of eyelash extensions, then eyelash growth products are an affordable, although by no means cheap alternative.
Lash boost and lash boost products can both be a welcoming product to try if you are losing eyelashes.
For most people they seem to work well enough and will have little by way of significant side effects. They are certainly not an overnight miracle and take some time to work, so patience is required. I have known of people applying mascara whilst waiting for the effects to happen.
This is not recommended and you need to commit to a 2-4 weeks wait or longer. Once your lashes have responded to the growth serums you will need to continue using them to maintain your new long, lush eyelashes.
I would also add that eyelash growth serums will also stimulate hair growth in other areas of the skin, so they will also work on the eyebrows, but also anywhere else you allow the serums to soak into the skin regularly, so careful application is advised.
Latisse(Bimatoprost) is FDA approved and available on prescription only, you are likely to start seeing results in 4-6 weeks and that new growth is likely to last well, although you do need to keep using regularly. Rodan+Fields’ Lash Boost is available over the counter, although limited to Rodan+Fields themselves or licensed distributors.
You should see results sooner with Lash Boost, in as little as 2 weeks, but discontinuing use you are also likely to see your lashes return to their normal condition sooner as well. I would also add that if you are nut allergic or suffer generally with sensitivity of the eyes and skin, that Lash Boost does contain almond extracts and also has a lot more potentially irritating ingredients than Latisse.
Why Choose Lashboost
- Users often report seeing results within 2 weeks which is faster than the 4-6 weeks Latisse usually takes to have an effect on lash growth.
- No Prescription is required so you can buy it over the counter.
- Easy to apply because of the self-contained applicator stick which is similar to applying mascara, whereas Latisse has a separate container and is not as easy to apply.
Why Choose Latisse
- The main reason is the formulas proven effect with it’s FDA approval.
- Side effects have been studied so you know how likely you are to experience any side effects.